DC 603

“Share and Enjoy”

DC603 soft-launched at DC24 and has now been hugged awkwardly. We are meeting monthly in the Hanover/Lebanon area, less frequently in Concord, by the time DC25 comes around, we expect that we'll have started on building a hackerspace. There are lots of great groups and meet-ups in the Boston area, and they're awesome — but a pretty long way away for some folks. If you are in central New Hampshire or the adjoining areas, and would like a way of meeting with hacker family more easily, locally and often, you should give DC603 a try.

We plan on building a hackerspace over the next couple of years, and are planning an electronic badge and other neat things for DC25. If you might want to help with any of that, get involved!

For further information, you can email the group organizers using the address info at <this domain>, including perhaps a little background on why you're interested, who you are, and how to contact you.

Alternatively, just show up to our Lebanon meet-ups, although it would be helpful to email or tweet DM so we know to expect you and can make sure we get a big enough table, etc. Currently, meet-ups are the second Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. at Gusanoz restaurant on the Miracle Mile — come say hello.

Twitter – @DC_603

IRC – #dc603 on Freenode
this channel won't be well attended until later this year

There is also a mailing list for group members.

Live free and hack,     

Duck Duck
August 2016